View: How's your business working out for you?


vendredi 1 novembre 2013

How's your business working out for you?

Could you use more targeted traffic, leads, and cash for your business?
The truth about AdHitProfits is.. the services are real.. it's no scam... there are video claims about AdHitProfits that are of course lying to you. The commissions are real... and payouts are real.. so of course claims of adhitprofits being a scam are people lying to you...
I wonder -- why would some take the approach to lie to people about one company.. to lead you into theirs?  Through time, they will be found to be a liar, and lose their credibility. How this works
Customer needs services that can bring them more traffic, leads, and cash for their business.
The Money Starts In The Customer's Hand => Purchase of service (customer receives service) => Revenues For Company => Shared with everyone
Everyone gets a part of the revenue from every purchase.
The services have incredible value, and are at a price far less than the value being offered.
The results are fantastic.  People are receiving targeted quality traffic to their websites, getting more leads, and earning more money ..
So instead of knocking a good thing, I recommend that you test out the services and try them for yourself.  Then, you can see how good they are, and maybe you'll decide to speak wonderful things about the services, and earn commissions talking about one of the best advertising services to ever hit the internet.
Until you actually test it out for yourself, you'll never know!
Sure, there are people who didn't understand how this works, and sure, there are people who have left the business.. some even say their money was stolen, which is false -- because they purchased a service and received what they paid for.. the earnings just were flowing at a different rate than they thought it should -- although our frequently asked questions have always specified earnings from sharing can fluctuate, going up and down through time, because these revenues are tied to actual sales taking place.
Like any business, those who work get paid more-- those who recommend people to use the incredible services get paid more. Just like anything you're already involved with. Those who build get paid more than those who don't. I think you can agree with that.
That's what makes using AdHitProfits such a great opportunity. It helps you build your primary business, while you get paid to promote it. I'm certain the statements in this article will be understood by you, because you're an intelligent person who can recognize truth.

P.S.  For those focused on % -- let me illustrate something for you...
One member had a problem with their revenue share. Turned out, they just didn't click 25 ads yet.

Checking their account, though, they already had $0.195 on it !!

In % -- what does this mean?

On a $10 mini ad purchase, they already earned 1.95% of their purchase without even receiving anything from the revenue share yet!

Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:49
Treasure Click $0.00500000 16 Oct 2013 09:51
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:52
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:53
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:55
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:56
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:57
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 09:58
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 10:00
Treasure Click $0.02000000 16 Oct 2013 10:01
Treasure Click $0.00500000 16 Oct 2013 10:02
Treasure Click $0.00500000 16 Oct 2013 10:02

That's the really great thing about the treasure chest! How many people are you telling about this !?!?!

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